Blessings on this New Year, 2023! We are coming into a 7 year, which holds the energies of initiation, creation, harmony and spiritual beauty. The New Moon in Aquarius is the first new moon of 2023 and holds the powerful energies of both, the # 7, and Aquarius. Aquarius is symbolized by the Water Bearer, pouring the cosmic waters of creation upon us to cleanse, purify and to allow us to BIRTH into being our desires and goals. Under this New Moon we go within, to allow ourselves to seed our intentions in the fertile Cosmic Womb, the cosmic void of All, from which everything that is manifest in the physical realms is conceived and ultimately birthed.
This cosmic, New Moon portal allows us a great opportunity to tune into the depths of our Soul and to align ourselves with the Cosmic Consciousness, that we are all a part of. Tonight, we are co-creating a powerful container for healing, manifestation, and greater alignment with our Soul’s purpose and mission. It is through the magic of sound frequency, that the material world was created, and so too, tonight, we will be allowing the harmonic resonances of Crystal Alchemy Bowls, powerful light language, Aramaic healing mantras and the energies of the Magdalene Reiki to align us with healing and with our Soul’s unique and beautiful expression. I look forward to holding space for this powerful co-creation!
Don’t forget to bring your favorite crystals, journal, pen, yoga mat and comfy blanket, eye pillow - if you so desire.