Soulful & Sweaty Yoga.
Please join us for in-person practices inside the studio, outside in our garden space (weather permitting), or online from your home.
The studio offers classes for all levels, including prenatal yoga, with creative sequencing, in a community-driven and nurturing environment. We also offer teacher trainings, workshops, kirtans, soundbaths, and special events with a Wellness Wing for massage, acupuncture, and reiki treatments (appointments must be booked in advance).
Classes that are live-streamed will have a camera icon next to them on the schedule, please register in advance for those
Light On Lotus Yoga
located at 12513 Venice Blvd,
just west of Alana’s Coffee
About Kate
Light On Lotus was founded by Kate Duyn in 2016, with the intention of creating a sacred and uplifting space where all can come for support, community, and inspiration; a place where we can Om, move and groove together in the heart of the westside in Los Angeles.
Our signature flow is fluid, adventurous and transformative. Come see for yourself!

Our sweaty and soulful signature flow is fluid, adventurous and totally transformative. Open level, but come with an open mind and be ready for a challenge!
This open-level class is a combination of mindful and creative sequencing as well as conscious alignment, attention to breath, and chanting. The spirit of Bhakti, the yoga of devotion and relationship, is infused into each class to deepen the spirit of the practice and begin to explore the practical application of it all both on and off the mat.
A progressive exploration of more advanced asana including ample arm-balances and inversions. A steady practice of at least a year or more is strongly recommended.
Rock it out in this music-driven journey through movement. Each week there is a musical theme, genre, year, decade, artist, or live musician/DJ that inspires the flow. A spirited way to cap off your week and dive into the weekend.
This class begins with a strong, balanced flow which ebbs into a deep restorative sequence leading to a blissful, soothing savasana. Accessible for all levels and perfect for both working hard and chilling out.
A soulful & sweaty 90 minute deep-dive into the ocean of devotion! This practice is big on the bhakti and often includes an array of adventurous variations and LIVE music. A kind of non-denominational Sunday service. This one is not well suited for those who are just starting their yoga practice.
Restorative postures are held for much longer lengths of time, supported generously by props to allow the body to release muscle tension, stress and anxiety and initiate the relaxation response from guided constructive rest. Give yourself 60 minutes to down-regulate the nervous system and align your being with ease before the start of a new week.
Start your day in the most positive way by honoring the sun's radiant light with rhythmic and warming surya namaskars that build into strong standing sequences that prepare you powerfully for your day.
A quiet, contemplative practice with longer held poses, Ying Yoga is designed to increase flexibility, downregulate the nervous system, and rinse out any tension that lives in the body. Yin Yoga is complementary to our flow-based classes on the schedule.
Community classes are offered at a discounted drop-in rate and are taught by recent graduates from our teacher training program. 50% of the proceeds of a months classes go to a non-profit or charity chosen by the instructor.